The knowing...

Everyday the sun rises and then it falls.
Everyday the moon rises and then it falls.
Some days it shines brightly, you see it, you feel it.
Others days it hides away, you can't see it, you can't feel it.
But surely enough as another day approaches, the sun will rise and the moon will fall.
Ever present, more and more beautiful with each appearance.

Unfaltering faith in my angels working to my greatest good allows me to sit here on a lovely large pebble beach in Riomaggiore and see that nothing is really as bad as it might seem. Everything that is happening in my life, is happening for a greater reason that i am unaware of at present. With patience and time though, everything will be clear...the knowing that this day will come is beautiful. The knowing is my strength. The knowing is divine, a direct connection to the highest good.

The knowing is allowing...allowing my guides and angels to direct me through my  life, to the most incredible people, to absolutely amazing places and to the best experiences for my growth.

Acceptance of this is key. At times when something is taken away from you, you want to say NO! I want that, I need that...

This is when it is completely important to draw up on and accept the knowing. That there is something greater than me out there, that there is a plan, that there is an incredible journey ahead of Me. Acceptance of the knowing that as one thing leaves, another arrives....and with each new experience there is beauty. With each new experience there lyes a hidden treasure...a learning.

As the sun rises today I hope that each person who reads this comes about a level of knowing.

As the moon falls today I pray that you recognises your experiences and accept the given treasures.

Love, peace, light and discovery to all

M x


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