
Showing posts from 2012

Being tired is TOXIC!

When you are tired its hard to focus and put all that wise knowledge of love and life into practice. I discovered this a few weeks ago when I was in the middle of managing my day job, my new business (Tasty Health Foods), my old business (Fake Multimedia), my social life, Kettle Bells, Bikram Yoga and my necessary life (cooking & cleaning!). Life can get so busy and to try and fit it all in can sometimes really take its toll! Feeling tired means I cant focus properly - i spend my time doing things and not thinking about what im doing and why, I cant meditate properly either - it makes me sleepy, no meditation means: no grounding, no inner voice, no relaxation, no clam, no peace....loss of connection to myself! Toxic to my journey of joy! I think it is really important on a weekly basis to take a step back and review your life and where you are spending your time. Understand whether your time is being spent on things which are ALL necessary, what is adding value to your life, why ...

Lost in a creative flow...

I let the paint brush flow and as I do I lose myself in a creative energy that captures the whole of my attention. For a few moments I think of nothing...I just paint! A Creative form of meditation in my eyes...stop thought n just flow :) Mud! What we think of as the root of where the beautiful flower grows. Just like in life, we have to go through challenges and problems...and it is these very obstacles which end up being the root of us as people! The foundation which allows us to grow and become who we really are... The mud is not really dirt... problems are not really obstacles... They are opportunities in disguise Have a lovely day all xx

Discipline your disappointment!

What does it mean to have expectations? Expectations are the conditions you put on a person, object or situation to justify them by a belief that you hold.  If you were a good friend you would have called to see how I am! If he loves me he would help me out around the house! Shes my best friend she would never go behind my back!  All these expectations when not met cause a great deal of sorrow. Your beliefs are so deeply embedded in your subconscious mind that sometimes its hard to even know why you might feel disappointed by something! Your expectations are putting a condition on whether you are happy or not, on how much you love something...conditional love! Meditation is a tool which allows you to stop your thoughts and just review your life as a detached observer. I think its important everyday to stop and look at your thoughts and them and learn how to discipline your disappointments! If you could free yourself from ...

Choose your habits wisely!

Its so easy to fall into habits...good ones and bad ones. I think its just as easy to fall out of a habit. You can almost apply this to all different parts of your it to forming a habit to exercise 3/4 times a week, or forming a habit of speaking to a certain person everyday. Habits for me are driven by my emotions. How I feel about a particular activity determines how much I peruse this habit. In my opinion all it takes is 2 weeks to really form a habit... that being said I think its a really good idea to choose your habits wisely! Recognise where your habits are coming from...are they coming from a positive emotion or a negative? All part of living from the inside out! And being aware of your thoughts and feelings! Love this :) 

A state of awareness!

Meditation is a tool which changes your life! When you learn about the principles of meditation and why people meditate your knowledge and understanding of it and life go a lot deeper than ever before. Since I started to meditate I have found that I have a lot more control over how I react to situations that occur in my life as I can stand back and observe my thoughts rather than just reacting. Its almost like taking control of your emotions rather than letting them control you! Im still learning how to do this properly but now I feel I can recognise negative thoughts/feelings quickly and almost stop myself from going down that route. In time I know that this will become present I still sometimes go through an internal struggle before being able to calm myself down but at least I can get there as an end result. Brilliant :) Meditation brings about a state of awareness...aware ness of yourself, your thoughts, your feelings and your peacful soul! Its this awareness that...

What's in a smile...

To see a person smile is the most beautiful form of communication. In a smile you show joy! You show acceptance! You show love... While traveling in New York recently I discovered that this show of love bought a deep happiness to me and allowed me to share that joy with others. Share it with People that I didn't know at all. Giving a smile meant that so many people approached me, spoke to me, complimented me! They displayed love to me and this lifted my spirits so high! Such a simple thing...a smile, which is felt from deep inside brings such a profound effect to the world. Imagine the more people who smile at each other, the happier the world will be! The simplicity of that is beautiful! Absolutely amazing! I will make it my mission to smile as much as I can through my journey of life... :))))  

Shine from within!

For a while now I have been practicing meditation. Be it active (as I explained in my earlier posts) or still, calmness. The meditation helps me calm my mind down, pause my thoughts and gain control so I can connect with myself. My real self! This connection allows everything to get stronger, I can hear my inner voice more than ever before and I just want it to get louder and louder. When you can hear your inner thoughts, your intuition, your higher self and you have the courage to face up to those thoughts and bring them into your physical reality, you will start to move to a truly happy and positive place. You will be following your joy, what feels right to you. This truthful presence brings about an inner glow. Wherever you go, you will feel this glow. You will wake up feeling happy, you will go to sleep calmly and with no heavy feelings or thought. A few Saturdays ago I went out with some friends. Never before in my life have I had so many complete strangers walk straight up to...

Music for the soul

A few Saturdays ago I woke up to an upsetting thought. It was a thought from the past, one that meant a lot at some point in my life but now it was in the past. The memory of it still captured me though. I started to move through my day and decided that actually, I will let myself feel this emotion if that’s what is surfacing. I went shopping, I felt sad, I walked in the rain, I felt sad, I eat some lovely food but I was still feeling sad....and then I walked into the centre of town (no smile on my face just going through the motions) and there was a group from the church promoting their activities. They were trying to show how much fun it could be to be a part of the church. 6 men were doing a performance with straw hats. They were dancing along to some amazing soulful upbeat music! The words of the song were singing about having love for Jesus. I stopped in my tracks and stood still in the rain...I smiled at the performers. As I listened to the music it started to really lift my sp...

Inspire and be inspired!

An amazing book By Teal Scott A few weeks ago while having a catch up with one of my good friends, he mentioned Teal Scott! He said look her up on YouTube. From that moment onwards I was completely inspired by this wonderful woman! She is an absolutely amazing character, truly inspiring! Touching peoples lives from afar, changing people, helping us remember or realise what we are all here for. Within just 48 hours of listening to Teal on her YouTube channel ( The Spiritual Catalyst ) I was completely hooked and wanting more! More knowledge! More realisation! So I ordered her book Sculptor in the sky. Getting this book was one of the best things I ever did! Im about half way through now, its only a very small book but crammed full of life enhancing information. One paragraph has so much wise information in it you almost have to read it several time to really really understand it and get your head around it. Teals speaks all about the purpose of life, being true to yourself and ...

Stronger and Stronger!

Kettle Bell Love! Tuesday and Thursday nights I attend a kettle bell class. The atmosphere in this class is great! Everyone is so friendly and the workout is amazing! What I love is that the class is always different! No two classes are ever the same, so this means you work hard....really hard but don’t think about it as much as your attention is on the new exercise or completing the given circuit! The instructor Stuart (From Stu-nique Fitness ) is AMAZING! I cant talk highly enough of him! So encouraging! Motivating! A truly inspiring character! No matter how many people there are in a class...10, 20....he will always manage to give you individual attention! As hard as kettle bell training is I am in love with the challenge it presents. I thrive off the feeling of feeling strong. A strong woman who can deal with things on her own! I know its just a class, but for me it represents a lot more than just that! I now swing a 20kg kettle bell!! I am very proud of myself! Determined!...

Keep your mouth shut!

Last night I went for a nice long 16km run! Completely zoned out in my active meditation I discovered a technique to make my running a lot easier!!! If you keep your mouth shut and just breath through your nose your chest doesn’t get tight and you don’t get as tired so quickly. It then comes more down to the stamina in your legs and rest of the body to carry you through. I always knew this but its hard to do when your so focused on running correctly and just getting through the distance! I forced myself to keep breathing through my nose and the result was amazing! Back in December 2011 I started a trial of Bikram Yoga (Leicester) ! This class is amazing in itself. I will talk about my LOVE for Bikram in another post as it is a subject within itself!! But Bikram teaches you one thing and that is to breath through just your nose for the whole 90minute class. This has helped me immensely with my running and other training in general! I would say Bikram Yoga and Running go hand in han...

The Flow of Love

The Flow of Love Another art piece I worked on yesterday...I've called it "The Flow of Love" as this is what I am currently exploring within myself. Please feel free to use any of my work for personal use....if you do though, please tel me! it would bring me immense joy!

Fitness Fix!

Another one of my LOVEs in life is fitness. What started off as an obsession with loosing weight turned into something completely else. I love the feeling of being fit! I have most recently been running alot more than ever before and i love the way it makes me feel and the challenge it presents to me. I have signed up for the Leicester Marathon where I will take part in the half marathon. The furthest I have ever ran in an organised race is 14km when i did the City to Surf run whilst living in Sydney. That was a long time ago!! (2008 i think). More recently I took part in Leicesters Big 10K , which was in May this year at Abbey Park in Leicester. I ran that race alone and really enjoyed it. Running is MY time! i love zoning out to the point where I am not thinking about anything anymore except completing my run. I get lost in rhythm, breathing, counting! All the encounters of the day disappear and I am left with fresh air and the feeling of an amazingly fit and peaceful heart. Its...

Heaven is a place on earth...

One thing i love is being creative! I get lost in another world where only I exist, time is not an object, everything around me disappears and I truly am in my own little world. I created 'Heaven is a place on earth' (the art work posted below) one weekday evening in my quest to get back to doing things I enjoy. Being true to yourself, doing things you love, not relying on anyone else to put a smile on your face is where it is said that you can find bliss, a state of being in heaven. For me expressing myself through my creativity is a place where I find happiness! This artwork is an image i had in my mind whilst imagining bliss.... it found its way to my drawing pad through large oil pastels :)

My first art piece

Heaven is a place on earth

The Journey of joy...

It is said that the purpose of life is simply to find joy. Joy in everything you do. Joy in everything you say. Then this is my journey, to discover myself, my passion, my joy and all things that i truly love!