Discipline your disappointment!

What does it mean to have expectations? Expectations are the conditions you put on a person, object or situation to justify them by a belief that you hold. 
  • If you were a good friend you would have called to see how I am!
  • If he loves me he would help me out around the house!
  • Shes my best friend she would never go behind my back! 
All these expectations when not met cause a great deal of sorrow. Your beliefs are so deeply embedded in your subconscious mind that sometimes its hard to even know why you might feel disappointed by something! Your expectations are conditions....like putting a condition on whether you are happy or not, on how much you love something...conditional love!

Meditation is a tool which allows you to stop your thoughts and just review your life as a detached observer. I think its important everyday to stop and look at your thoughts and expectations....review them and learn how to discipline your disappointments! If you could free yourself from your expectations or atleast stand in the awareness of expectations you might have...then you can save yourself the disappointment and spend more of your time smiling and laughing :)

Realise that your happiness is within you. You have control over your thoughts and feelings at every moment of your life. Its not external or reliant on anything or anyone. How you react to a situation/person is your call. You can choose to be positive or negative.

As the saying goes:

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it...’
 Wishing everyone that reads this peace, love and tones of laughter :)


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