Being tired is TOXIC!

When you are tired its hard to focus and put all that wise knowledge of love and life into practice. I discovered this a few weeks ago when I was in the middle of managing my day job, my new business (Tasty Health Foods), my old business (Fake Multimedia), my social life, Kettle Bells, Bikram Yoga and my necessary life (cooking & cleaning!). Life can get so busy and to try and fit it all in can sometimes really take its toll! Feeling tired means I cant focus properly - i spend my time doing things and not thinking about what im doing and why, I cant meditate properly either - it makes me sleepy, no meditation means: no grounding, no inner voice, no relaxation, no clam, no peace....loss of connection to myself! Toxic to my journey of joy!

I think it is really important on a weekly basis to take a step back and review your life and where you are spending your time. Understand whether your time is being spent on things which are ALL necessary, what is adding value to your life, why is it adding it coming from a negative emotional space or a positive one?

For example previously I would HAVE to fit at least 5/6 training sessions in per week! This was something I did out of habit and out of a space of negative emotion. This is how I review where my habits are coming from (Thanks to Teal):

The Why Test...

  1. State what it is that you are reviewing
  2. Keep asking yourself WHY – why it is important, why would that be so bad... See a my personal example below:
    • I need to train 5/6 times a week
    • Why do I need to train 5/6 times a week?
    • Cause I don’t want to put on weight and it makes me feel good
    • Why is it important not to put on weight? Why do you need training to make you feel good?
    • Cause I don’t want to be fat, It makes me feel good cause it allows me to forget about other things in my life
    • Why don’t you want to be fat? Why would that be so bad? Why do you need to forget about other things in your life?
    • Cause I don’t want to feel unhealthy and I want to look good. I need to forget about other things in life cause it gives me clarity
    • Why do you want to look good? Why do you need clarity?
    • Cause I want to look good so I feel good. I want clarity cause I am not happy with something in my life.
    • Why do you need to look good to feel good? Why do you need clarity if you are not happy
    • Cause if I don’t look good people wont find me attractive. I need clarity to understand why I am unhappy.

So My desire to train comes from two places:
  1. If I am fat people will not find me attractive. So to feel good I have to look good.
  2. I am training so much to get some clarity on what's going on in my mind. Therefore training distracts me from problems/obstacles in my life and allows me to forget for a while.
This is where my need to train sooo much comes from. Temporary distraction from the real obstacle and not feeling worthy if my own judgment of what looks good is not reached!

Amazing how something so simple can be traced back to something so deeply embedded in our minds! This is why I find this exercise so useful! Review your habits and where you are spending your time, understand why and then decide what you want to do from there. I now only train 2/3 times a week and eat as well as I can in order to maintain my weight and feel healthy :) I use meditation to understand my problems and reach solutions.

I hope you can use this exercise effectively too and that it adds some time and value to your life. 

All the best to everyone who reads this :)
Wishing you rest, love and light xx


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