Stop, look and listen

We are three part beings. Body, mind and soul. If all three are in complete harmony you will experience true joy.

Everyone knows their body really well but how well do you know your mind? And more importantly how well do you know your soul?

The soul is usually blocked by the mind. Worry, fear, conforming, society, culture, traditions, attachments, ego! So many layers to strip away before you can get to know your soul. So everyday I work consciously to remove bits of these layers, conscious of my thoughts, my words, my actions, my experience. Stepping inwards and moving closer to the truth of my being each day in every moment.

I invite you to join me in knowing yourself, not to live at the effect of life but to be the cause of it. To pick your thoughts, your actions,your live consciously from the inside out :)

Let go of's never as bad as you may think in your mind. It may hurt, it may be scary but it will pass and the other side of that fear is sooo worth the journey!

Let go of attachments, you can't control another. It is not your job to. if its not fair, its worrying, its hurtful, its upsetting...Don't let it effect your happiness, hold your joy inside you and most importantly let them have their own experience, its their own journey to take.

Let go of ego, when we leave this earth, this body, we leave with just what's inside us. Nothing external, no material, no right or wrong of another is coming along.

Sit back and look around you. What have you created your life to be? What are you experiencing? Are you happy with it? Does it make you feel good? The journey of the rest of your life starts with one small step. So be true, be in love with life, be yourself. Express your joy in thoughts, express your joy in words, express them again and again...and then watch them come into your reality.

I write this while I sit in a beautiful little square in Ronda, spain. A guitarist playing soft music in the background, a fountain with trickling water, the edge of a breath taking cliff behind me, beautiful rays of sunshine all around me. Life is truly what you make it...choose in awareness of your soul and it certainly is beautiful.

Wishing everyone who reads this the courage it takes to let go of conditioning, to stop look and listen to their soul....

Love love love x


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