
Showing posts from April, 2013

Just a moment...

The cool breeze of the day, the sound of soft music in the background, the smile on a persons face, the hello of the guy at the other end of the bar, the rain that falls against my umbrella, the clothes that keep me warm, the sound of laughter, the communion of people, the help received, the text received, the memories shared, the longing to be together again, the warm cup of tea, the time that stands still....the love, the light, the guidance, the awareness. You are everything and everything is me.

Stop, look and listen

We are three part beings. Body, mind and soul. If all three are in complete harmony you will experience true joy. Everyone knows their body really well but how well do you know your mind? And more importantly how well do you know your soul? The soul is usually blocked by the mind. Worry, fear, conforming, society, culture, traditions, attachments, ego! So many layers to strip away before you can get to know your soul. So everyday I work consciously to remove bits of these layers, conscious of my thoughts, my words, my actions, my experience. Stepping inwards and moving closer to the truth of my being each day in every moment. I invite you to join me in knowing yourself, not to live at the effect of life but to be the cause of it. To pick your thoughts, your actions,your live consciously from the inside out :) Let go of's never as bad as you may think in your mind. It may hurt, it may be scary but it will pass and the other side of that fear is sooo worth the j...

What's in a brush stroke!

Whilst travelling I hear sooo much... 'it's raining and there is nothing to do' 'I hate it when it's like this' 'I get so bored when its raining' To this all I can say is...have you ever asked yourself what feeds your soul? What is it that you love doing that will completely take your heart and soul to another place. Peaceful, joyful and completely satisfied with your activities for the day! Along my journey of joy in the past year I have asked myself this question a lot, so now when I'm at a loose end I have a lot to draw upon which allows me to loose track of time, feel completely engrossed and in love! Loving life more and more as each moment passes! So blessed! I wish you all this state of awareness... Love love love xx My recent paintings attached. The first one completely inspired by the patterns of Alcazar in Seville and the beautiful botanical gardens of Cadiz and the second in admiration of the beautiful coast of Tarifa...