Feel the fear...and do it anyway...!
I look to the right and I see the post-it note I doodled on yesterday. It reads: “Feel the fear...and do it anyway!” Amazing how things come to you at exactly the right time. Nothing at all in this world is a coincidence! Everything is a message from the greater good or a reality that you have bought into your existence through your thoughts! Today more than any other day in my physical life so far I believe that all that comes, comes for a good reason. To help me grow, to move me to a better place, to awaken me a little more to the truth of my reality! It is so important to develop a beautiful little sanctuary inside yourself, that you can go to and draw upon when challenging situations arise in your life. The sanctuary allows you to stay calm, cool, collected :) Times when you feel you are at a cross road...which way should you turn? At this moment it is so important for your inner self to speak...for you to trust it and follow it with unfaltering faith! Being at the decision...