Inspire and be inspired!

An amazing book By Teal Scott A few weeks ago while having a catch up with one of my good friends, he mentioned Teal Scott! He said look her up on YouTube. From that moment onwards I was completely inspired by this wonderful woman! She is an absolutely amazing character, truly inspiring! Touching peoples lives from afar, changing people, helping us remember or realise what we are all here for. Within just 48 hours of listening to Teal on her YouTube channel ( The Spiritual Catalyst ) I was completely hooked and wanting more! More knowledge! More realisation! So I ordered her book Sculptor in the sky. Getting this book was one of the best things I ever did! Im about half way through now, its only a very small book but crammed full of life enhancing information. One paragraph has so much wise information in it you almost have to read it several time to really really understand it and get your head around it. Teals speaks all about the purpose of life, being true to yourself and ...