Isha Yoga Centre in South India was the setting. Synchronicities unfolding lead me there, the story of many. The sensation of being in the right place at the right time, knowing that something bigger than me led me there. The distinct feeling of coming home. The vibrations of a safe and truthful environment. Smiling faces look back at me. Warm welcomes and heartfelt hellos. An incredible mountain forms the backdrop, beautiful scents of water lily infuse the air, colours so vibrant that they awaken a deeper part of my soul. Unsure of what the days ahead would present to me. Willing nevertheless, knowing that growth was the only goal. And so in he walks. A wise man unknown to me…or perhaps not? His presence made me stand tall. My eyes wider open than ever before, my body on standby to receive every subtle sensation. I listened with intent. I soaked in every little drop. Overwhelmed I sat in deep contemplation, watching, learning, thinking, talking...