I wait and wonder...

The end of week one in india. Gujarat was the location, my roots, deeply embedded. Humble were the people, my family full of joy and smiles. Open, giving and incredibly willing to help in whichever way you required. Simple was the living, a life full of beautiful essentials...it made me stop,it made me realise...how much we actually don't need in our lives to keep those beautiful smiles on our faces. Perhaps one of life's more objective truths...as opposed to the many million subjective ones we all create and believe. I am thankful for the awareness of this. And of those subjective beliefs I wonder...how long would it take to actually re-programme yourself and change these beliefs? I wait and wonder as I embark upon the next part of my travels Stay blessed x (Picture taken in Talavchora, the village my dad grew up in! A beautiful place close to my heart)