A familiar place...
Sitting here quietly in my final few moments as a lone traveler...I look out over the beautiful water that runs through the heart of Pisa. I realise what a blessed journey I have had. All the beautiful people that have come into my realty...some who have touched my life! All the wonderful places i have seen, all the laughter I have shared, all the fear i have conquered, all the beautiful little challenges i have faced, all the love i have felt, all the wonderful memories i have made... All the growth i have encountered, realised, recognised. And for all this grace, I truly am thankful. Just as this lovely river Arno flows, I flow through my journey of joy, my life. Twists and turns, highs and lows...but forever flowing, peaceful, smooth and true to my nature. As I embark upon the next chapter of my life, I say good bye to this time, I take with me all the beautiful treasures....and I return to a familiar place. Armed with agape, experience of the knowledge and wisdom I...